Hard to believe it's been over two years since we wrapped our noodles around the Intel Eduwise and the OLPC XO, and while the average Atom-powered netbook has practically swiped the limelight, the low-cost laptop still holds a special place in our hearts. So it's with great joy that we present this mystical tour through the genealogy of the Classmate PC. On hand are a number of prototypes, a non-working mockup and a version of the Eduwise that actually retains the bulk of its hardware in the rear of the LCD. Heck, there's even a bright blue convertible in there that could probably give Doom a run for its money. Unfortunately, the writeup is in translated English, but chances are the images will do the bulk of the speaking to your soul. Saiba mais em http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fzumo.uol.com.br%2F2008%2F10%2F13%2Fum-passeio-pela-genealogia-do-classmate-pc%2F&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&sl=pt&tl=en
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